Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends

Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends
Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends
Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends
Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends
Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends
Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends

Tarot Intentional Essential Oil Blends

Essential oils carry high vibrations to assist the mind, body, and soul in healing. They are additional tools that can help us reach deeper levels of ourselves and create a peaceful experience that helps us embrace the changes life throws our way. The olfactory magic of essential oils is a very personal journey. They can illicit passionate and intoxicating sensations, pure comfort and relaxation, or a feeling of deep connection.

We have created 5 unique Tarot blends using essential oils that are used as tools that help you dive into your subconscious mind and enhances your intuition and spiritual connection.

MUST HAVE BLEND*** Essence of the Ball of Light: Use this blend before you enter your doorway to the spiritual realm. Use it as a tool to keep you grounded, spiritually protected, and tap into your intuition. For the optimum results, use if before or in conjunction with other tools that you use in your spiritual journey.

Essential Oils:

  1. Roman Chamomile quietens the mind and guides you to your true purpose in life. It cleanses the spirit and is a great tool for meditation.
  2. Clary Sage is the oil of vision. It connects to the third eye chakra opening spiritual channels. It helps through emotional crises, bringing clarity, discernment, and expansion.
  3. Angelica Essential Oil is an emotionally balancing oil known as the "Oil of Angels" and helps to provide a feeling of safety and security.
  4. Frankincense keeps you grounded and strengthens the connection with the physical, emotional, and spiritual world. It heals past emotional pain. It is known as the oil of truth. It brings enlightenment & is used for protection from negative energy.
  5. Rosemary possesses the powers of protection against evil spirits and is wonderful at dispelling negative energies. 

Essence of Swords: The swords help us to think, see, and put our plans into an organized and analyzed manner.  This is a great blend for brainstorming and research. If new ideas, new ways to communicate, a different perspective, a need for clarification are your goals, then this is the blend you wish to introduce into your life. 

The suit of swords exists within the tarot's Minor Arcana, represent logic, the mind, and your thoughts. They deal with problems and troubles, planning, communication, ideas, your intellect and how you use it. They represent your daily and life struggles, problems in general. When the suit of swords appears in a tarot reading, they can signify what our rational mind says, as well as things that are related to communication, and sometimes, conflict. 


Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Self: Mind, Thoughts, Intellect, Communication
Body Part: Head
Jungian Function: Thinking
Pagan: Spring
Esoteric- Autumn

Keywords for the Suit of Swords: Decisions, worries, problems, issues, tension, communication, intelligence, disagreements, arguments, logic, reason, cognition, ideas, inspirations, balance, equilibrium, the mind, mentalism, thinking, facts and figures, definition.

Reversed Keywords: Vicious, ruthless, manipulative, cold, unemotional, spite and malice, accidents, inertia, indecision, confusion, mental blockages, biased, illogical, mental health issues, negative life changes.


Essential Oils:

  1. Blue Chamomile is reputed to open communication skills to enable us to get our thoughts across to another person. It also brings balance to emotional intensity, calming anger and anxiety, and helps support clear and grounded communication. 
  2. Peppermint is a popular oil that stimulates the mind to help support memory, focus, concentration, and enhances mental performance.
  3. Spearmint improves alertness, focus, and mental clarity. This oil brings a sense of serenity and calm, empowering you to overcome any obstacle with grace and ease.
  4. Eucalyptus essential oil is known to relieve mental exhaustion by boosting circulation to the brain, thereby stimulating the mind out of sluggishness, and rejuvenating the spirit. It facilitates easy breathing, enhances feelings of relaxation, and creates a refreshing feeling.
  5. Clary sage can boost self-esteem, confidence, hope, and mental strength, thereby efficiently fighting depression. It is alsobeneficial for improving memory and cognition.


Essence of Cups: This blend brings in the emotional current of the cups and the drive to bring relationships and self-love into your life.  You will be guided to feel how you want your life to be.  What brings you happiness, what brings you joy, what brings you sorrow. The use of this blend combined with a deep and truthful meditation will illuminate your emotional being in a big way.  You will be able to become clear on why you are and who you are.  You can also learn the essence of love for yourself and others.

The suit of cups exists within the tarot's Minor Arcana, deals with the emotional level of consciousness, and are associated with love, feelings, relationships, and connections. It represents your emotions, feelings, your subconscious, intuition, and psychic ability. In a tarot reading, they often represent one's emotional states, and can refer to people, relationships, and how you react towards others and your environment.

 Element: Water
Astrological Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Self: Emotions, love, receptivity
Body Part: Heart
Jungian Function: Feeling
Pagan: Autumn
Esoteric- Summer

Keywords for the Suit of Cups: Creative, intuitive, clairsentient, psychic, passive, affectionate, receptive, imaginative, caring, relationships, love, dreams, sensitivity, romantic, artistic, spiritual, compassionate, tactile, nurturing, the unconscious mind, domesticity, culture, expression, flexibility, fluidity, calm motion, serenity, empathetic, aesthetics and beauty.

Reversed Keywords: Needy, co-dependent, intense, neglectful, fantasists, uncaring, cold, unfeeling, moody, unresponsive, illogical, lost, negative, pessimistic, emotional, overly sentimental, tearful, selfish.


Essential Oils:

  1. Ylang Ylang has a relaxing effect that supports a positive mood. It inspires romance and closeness while fostering relaxation from daily stressors.
  2. Rose Geranium Is known as the oil of love and trust. It helps you re-establish trust and open or express emotions. Geranium also helps release anger, manage overwhelming emotions such as overcoming abuse, acute fear, hurt, and emotional crisis.
  3. Cardamom clears the mind and gives us insights into how we can improve our spiritual wellbeing. It brings spiritual awakening and blends the spiritual with the physical.
  4. Rose is the ultimate symbol of love and is strongly associated with the heart. Rose is emotionally soothing, and it promotes closeness and balance. It is the oil for compassion.
  5. Gingerboosts vitality, spices up the libido, and heightens passion and desire.


Essence of Wands: This blend brings in the action of the wands and the abilities to bring ideas into fruition.  The energy it evokes will be provocative, enterprising, and demands your attention.  Let it guide you into the formulation of a successful business endeavor or a new project that you need to get started, re-ignite, or desire to become a physical reality.

The suit of fire exists within the tarot's Minor Arcana, represents creativity, energy, passion, and action. They cover your spiritual pursuits, career, and creative projects. Some of the traits of this suit are leadership, self-growth, and general optimism. The suit of wands is the source for all energy, it symbolizes human willpower. In a tarot reading, the suit of wands often represents a person's creative potential, and can suggest themes of creative projects, and inspiration.

 Element: Fire
Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Self: Will, actions, desire
Body Part: Genitals
Jungian Function: Intuition
Pagan: Summer
Esoteric- Spring

Keywords for the Suit of Wands: Intuition, creativity, vitality, sexuality, spirituality, vision, energetic, outgoing, impulsive, motivational, pro-active, spirit and spirited, optimistic, enterprise, commerce, business, careers, opportunities, the thrill of the chase, competitive, growth, personal development, inspirational, enthusiastic, sexual, passionate, action, movement, initiation.

Reversed Keywords: Rash, impetuous, ruthless, greedy, narrow-minded, hyperactive, brash, manipulative, conniving, mean-spirited, overly optimistic, risk takers, heartless, aggressive, selfish, misleading, sadistic, distrusting of others.


Essential Oils:

  1. Cinnamon oil is a cognitive enhancer and can help fight brain fog. It boosts energy and promotes stress-relief and improved brain function.
  2. Orange boosts creative energy and uplifts the mood. It is the oil of joy and creativity. It also eases nervous tension and worry.
  3. Clove essential oil is known to help boost creativity and give users a greater understanding of self while promoting feelings of contentment. It attracts love and money.
  4. Basil balances the energy body and uplifts the mood. It is used to increase cheerfulness, promote integrity, and build trust. It is also used for wealth, good luck, and money matters.
  5. Geranium is an oil of balance with uplifting, energizing, and inspiring properties. It offers a sense of positivity for physical and mental health.

Essence of Pentacles: Practicality is the key word to describe the Pentacles.  It is also about the practical application of money and work that we need to facilitate our daily lives.  If you want to be rejuvenated in the world or put a practical and workable solution to a problem or situation, this blend can help guide you there.  It is also a tool you can use when you need to bring forth new revenue streams or enhance the ones you have.

The suit of Pentacle exists within the tarot's Minor Arcana, represents all things material and physical, what you experience using your senses. They deal with your money, business deals, material possessions, your job, arts, crafts, your home & garden. When the suit of pentacles appears in your tarot reading, they usually are talking about resources that we have, our bodies, finances, and our sense of security.

 Element: Earth
Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Self: Body, foundation, touch
Body Part: Feet
Jungian Function: Sensation
Pagan: Winter
Esoteric- Winter

Keywords for the Suit of Pentacles: Sensual, sexual, strong, lithe, dependable, reliable, stoic, practical, skilled & skillful, artistic, common sense, traditional, regular, straightforward, grounded, sensible, lush, fertile, growth, luxury, wealth, prosperity, apprenticeships, scholarships, dull, dutiful, realistic, down-to-earth, materialistic, money motivated, domesticity, health & fitness, exercise.

Reversed Keywords: Miserly, slave drivers, workaholics, pleasure seekers, neglectful, shoddy work, dullards, negative, pessimistic, superstitious, thoughtless, penny pinchers, lazy, unforgiving, selfish, greedy, covetous, moronic.

Essential Oils:

  1. Jasmine is a high-vibe oil that has aphrodisiac properties that can help you feel more sensually abundant and willing to connect with others.
  2. Lemongrass is a wonderful energy cleanser, and it brings even more powerto your manifestations of 
  3. Bergamot will draw money and financial security into your life. It brings success and money and good luck in your life.
  4. Orange is the oil of abundance. It is known as the “Happy Oil” and promotes happiness and good mood.
  5. Eucalyptus can balance your mind by calming agitation and stimulating dullness, insight can be achieved. It is also commonly used to enhance visions and to aid in divination. It helps to focus and center the mind. It also helps you to take charge and re-balance yourself.

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Learn more about proper use and care for all of our products.

Learn how to use our products:
  • Spray Air-Fresheners (1 oz., 2 oz., Odor Eliminators):

Our sprays are 100% Concentrated so less is more! For best results and safe use, spray product in air and make sure to spray away from fabric, material, or any surface. If using this product in a vehicle, please use with caution. Spray in a downward angle, towards the floorboards (under floor mats). Keep bottle upright at all times. Store in a cool and dry place.

  • Incense (Small & Jumbo):

To ignite Blunteffects® Incense Sticks properly, ensure that you are holding the thinner wood of the incense stick and lighting the thicker part. Ignite the thicker end with a lighter for safe use. Make sure to hold incense stick away from body and hair while it is lit. Wait for 30 seconds after igniting and carefully blow out the flame. Place burning incense in holder. Never leave burning incense unattended! 

  • Hanging Diffusers:

Remove product from packaging. Unscrew wood cap & remove plastic stopper. Place reed stick(s) in the bottle. Hang in desired location & enjoy the fragrance! Use 1 stick for small spaces or less fragrance, use 2 sticks for bigger spaces or more fragrance. Diffuser may last anywhere from 3-6 weeks depending on location, use and environment. Ensure your designated hanging area is clean and free from any clutter. Hang the product separately from other items to prevent oil absorption. Do not allow the product to come into contact with other fabrics, surfaces, or items that could absorb oils, as this may cause damage.

By following these instructions, you can ensure the product retains its quality while protecting other items in your space.

  • Body Oils:

Unscrew cap & apply perfume directly onto pulse points. Use caution while using as oil can cause stain on garments, fabrics & other sensitive material. Perfumed body oils are for external use only. Keep away from children and pets. Avoid contact with eyes & skin. 

  • Bath Bombs:

Pick your favorite fragrance. Fill up your tub with water, at desired temperature. Drop in the bath bomb and enjoy!

  • Burning Oils:

For a higher concentration- Pour Blunteffects® burning oil into an aroma burner. Place a tea light candle if needed. If your burner is electric, plug it in and enjoy!

For a lighter concentration- Pour desired quantity of Blunteffects® burning oil and add a carrier oil such as almond, coconut or mineral oil. Place a tea light candle if needed. If your burner is electric, plug it in and enjoy! 

  • Cloth Bag Air-Fresheners:

Remove bag from plastic packaging. Tie rope to desired area and enjoy the aroma! To restore freshness, simply place bag in the sun. Review in state laws before hanging in the car mirror. This product is a time sensitive product therefore place product in desired location promptly after opening. 

  • Wax Melts & Candles:

Wax melts are quite simple to use. Just break a cube/s and light your tea light or turn on your heat warmer if your burner is electric. After 2-3 uses, replace your cube. This will give you a concentrated aroma at every use! The melt will simply solidify when its cooled. When using, use caution as this product involves the use of heat. 

Place candle jar on heat resistant surface. To reduce possibility of smoking or soot build up, keep wick trimmed to 1/8” tall at all times. Do not let matches, wick trimmings, or debris accumulate in the jar; this could be a fire hazard. Burn candles approx. 3 to 4 hours until surface is liquid. Make certain wick is always centered and flame never touches glass. If flame smokes, extinguish, and shorten wick. Extinguish by placing the metal lid over the jar to minimize smoking. After wax hardens, wipe inside of jar with a paper towel to clean off residue. Burn until ¼ of wax is remaining and discard as glass may shatter. If misused, glass may crack or shatter. Use caution with electric candle warmers and crocks.

Natural Soy Candles can sometimes frost over a period. If you have ever seen a frosty, whitish color coating on chocolate, you have a good idea of what frosting looks like in soy wax. Since it is all natural, the frosting is a byproduct of soy wax. The good thing is that the frost does not affect the burn ability or fragrance of a candle. It is simply a small crystal growth that can form on the top and around the candle. 

NOTICE & WARNING (for all products):


Keep away from children & pets. Strictly for external use only. Avoid direct contact with sunlight. Keep away from eyes, skin & hair. Spray/use with caution. Do not spray air-fresheners or fragranced products in air vents. Oil can stain/or damage fabric, leather, vinyl, plastic or any sensitive material. May cause surface to be slippery. Use with caution and remember, less is more!

All of our products are bottled and scented in the USA.

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